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Updated 03/27/13 Japanese pages Available
Establishment of Japan-based Office
Documents for Establishment of Subsidiary in Japan based on the new Company Laws
Basic Agreement
Contract Summary (Film Distribution Agreement)
My Motion Picture Works
International Co-production Agreement
International Transaction and Japanese Legal Consciousness
The Law and You from Asahi Evening News
Agreement forms I
1. Joint Venture Agreement
2. Trademark License
3. Trade Name Agreement
4. Cross License Agreement
5. Purchase Agreement
Agreement forms II
1. Confidentiality Agreement
2. Confidentiality Agreement (Japanese)
3. Bailment Agreement
4. Bailment Agreement (Japanese)

Practicing Nishino Breathing Method
How I struggledwith PC
My Personal History
Focusing on The Celebrities I Met
Short Short Story
1. Criminal Law
2. Hakei
3. Yuyake
Meeting with Yukio Mishima


The Law Firm

copyright 1996 by Jun Norisugi